You could partner with us by praying for our service users, discipleship events, for resources and generally for the Ministry.
2 Cor 1:11-12 “You also helping together in prayer for us, that thanks may be given by many persons on our behalf for the gift granted to us through many.”
This Ministry would not exist without those who have given of their time, skills and services.
Joining us as a volunteer, participating in one of our events or offering us your professional services could be one of the most fulfilling things you do.
Contact us if you are interested in offering your time, self, skills or expertise to experience a wonderful sense of achievement in creating positive change.
By spreading the word about the work we do, you are helping us to save lives, inspire hope and empower young women to go on to live successful, productive and fulfilling lives. You are also helping to spread the good news via our discipleship programme.
You can also connect with us via our website and social media platforms to ask questions, share your opinions and meet other supporters.
By giving monthly, you enable us to plan and to sustain the services we provide.
£5 or more given on a regular basis will provide support generally towards the work of Hannah’s Sanctuary.
£25 could cover a monthly mother and baby support pack to include nappies, clothing, water, toiletries, food, etc
£150 could cover pre and post-natal medical expenses for one service user
£150 could provide a mother and baby delivery pack to include a cot, mosquito nets, nappies, sanitary towers, clothing, toiletries etc.
£150 could cover training/apprenticeship cost for one service user
£350 could cover the cost of evangelism material, transportation, equipment and hospitality (food and refreshments) for a group of 200 students